New Farmer's Markets in Austin

The Sustainable Food Center is launching a new initiative to open six neighborhood farmer's markets.    They will also be able to except food stamps by using the lone star card!  

This is why I like to volunteer for them, because I believe in their programs.  I hope they will allow local residents to sell items at the market with limited regulations as well.  Times are tough, and being able to trade services and goods is such an asset for community dwellers!

Here are the new markets opening on June 17th:

Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
South Austin Multipurpose Center
2508 Durwood
Austin 78704

Wednesday, 9-11am
Northwest WIC Clinic
8701A Research Blvd
Austin 78758

Wednesdays, 12-2pm 
Dove Springs Recreation Center
5801 Ainez Drive
Austin, TX 78744

Wednesdays, 11-1pm
Rosewood-Zaragosa Neighborhood Center
2800 Webberville Road
Austin 78702

Wednesday, 12-2 pm

St. John's Community Center
7500 Blessing
Austin 78752

Wednesdays, 11am-1pm

Montopolis WIC Clinic
1416 Montopolis Dr.
Austin 78741
